Hello, Recent months, i get a chance to explore the Azure based integrations. Its really cool and got excited to try it out for data
Solved: System.Data.OracleClient requires Oracle client software version 8.1.7 or greater.
Happy to connect again in this wonderful blog post. In the past few weeks, I got a chance to work on the data migration project.
KingswaySoft: How to parameterize the values for user Multiplexing in CDS/CRM user connection
Happy to connect again in this quick blog post. Recently, we had a request from community that how to parameterize the values for user Multiplexing
TypeScript: How to do Associate and Disassociate request in Model Driven Apps
Happy to connect again through this post. I was looking for handy code snippet to use it in a project for associate and disassociate request
PowerApps portal – Navigate from one entity to another entity in form steps
Back again with interesting requirements in the PowerApps portal. Ex. We have an account table, and it has a Primary contact field. In the Advanced
Dynamics 365 CE: No guarantee on Auto-numbers will be Sequential using OOB Auto number feature
Happy to connect again! We have configured the Auto-number for custom entities with the sequential number increasing by 1. User has noticed that randomly the
Dynamics Portal: After UCI upgrade Change Password button Not working except System Administrator and System Customizer
Happy to write about Dynamics Portal 🙂 This post is part of the UCI upgrade issues and shared my UCI upgrade experience in the below
Dynamics 365 CE: Unified Interface upgrade experience
Happy to connect again 🙂 Recently, We upgraded to Unified Interface and i like to share the experience with everyone. If you haven’t updated to
Dynamics Portal: Change Password button and Entity icons missing after the Unified Interface upgrade
Happy to share interesting issues in the Unified Interface Upgrade. We have identified and addressed all the issues in the Unified Interface upgrade in UAT